Here are all the exciting courses our department will offer this summer!
Remember to register or talk to your advisor ASAP if you're interested in any of these.
CRJU 110: Introduction to Criminal Justice
Responses in US society to problems of crime. Examines criminal behavior, law, police, courts, and corrections, etc. (fulfills A&S and University breadth req. Group C)
SOCI 201: Introduction to Sociology
An overview of the study of society, social organization & social institutions with emphasis on social causes and consequences of human behavior. (fulfills A&S and University breadth requirements)
CRJU 201: Problems of Law Enforcement
Introduction to a range of historical, political, philosophical & sociological problems in institutions vested with the responsibility to enforce laws and/or preserve order. (fulfills A&S and University breadth req. Group C)
CRJU 203: Problems of Corrections
Overview of US corrections system & the most pressing correctional problems of the 21st century. Philosophy of punishment, emphasis on the nature of the prison experience, alternatives to incarceration, judicial intervention in corrections & the efficacy of rehabilitation programs. (fulfills A&S and University breadth req. Group C)
SOCI 213: Men & Women In American Society
Gain a framework for analyzing sex & gender relations in contemporary US society. (fulfills Multicultural, A&S breadth, and University breadth requirements)
*cross-listed with WOMS 213
SOCI/CRJU 303: Juvenile Delinquency
Historical definition of delinquency, abuse and neglect, research in delinquency, causes and treatment of delinquents. (fulfills A&S and University breadth requirements)
SOCI/CRJU 304: Criminology
The nature, kinds, and causes of crime. Criminal liability, criminal careers, and organized racketeering. (fulfills A&S and University breadth requirements)
CRJU 324: American Constitutional History
Survey of the Constitution emphasizing the balance of power between federal gov. and states, the Supreme Court’s use of judicial review, the growth of presidential power, & the scope of civil rights liberties. (fulfills A&S and University breadth requirements)*cross-listed with HIST 324
CRJU 350: Gender & Criminal Justice
Historical & contemporary explanations for women’s participation in crime and evaluates these in light of research on gender. Topics include the treatment of women offenders, women as victims of crime & women as criminal justice personnel. (fulfills Multicultural req.)
*cross-listed with WOMS 350
SOCI/CRJU 369: Alcohol, Drugs, & Crime
Examines the relationship between alcohol, drugs, and crime, including societal response to offenders who commit alcohol/drug-related offenses and offenders who engage in crime over drug markets.
SOCI 415: Race, Class & Gender
Analysis of current US social issues showing the interrelationship of race, class, and gender. Readings from sociology, Afro-American studies, feminist studies, history and literature. (fulfills A&S writing req.)
*cross-listed with AFRA & WOMS 415
SOCI 441: Social Welfare & Practicum Seminar
Field experience and related seminar. Placement in social service agencies where students work for approximately 160 hours under professionally trained supervisors. (fulfills DLE requirement)
CRJU 460: Criminal Justice Policy (Capstone)
A critical examination of criminal justice policy in the United States over the past thirty years, with emphasis on the major theoretical positions that have dominated criminal justice policy-making during that period.